Sunday, November 23, 2008

Just another Sunday morning....

This morning in the newpaper there is an article about Prop 102 (Marriage only between a man and a woman), (which DID pass, by the way - thank goodness!) and those who gave money in support of it. The reason it is in the paper is because the newspeople got the list from the government of who gave how much money and they want to let the city know who they are. The total from our city was about $350,000. (that's huge) Our stake president, Mark Frost, had met with specific couples he thought of and asked them if they would give generously to this cause by way of request from the prophet. Each decided on their own how much to give. Then this past week he gave an interview with the paper so he could answer their questions and they would quit bothering others who weren't really comfortable with defending the whole church for it's huge involvement in the work to pass the Proposition. We have been concerned about the article and worried that it would somehow make the church or people seem stupid or wrong or something because the paper has a very liberal editor and newsroom in general. Well the article came out this morning on the front page and was a very good and well done article. Whew! It had a nice quote from Pres. Frost about marriage and making families and such. I would quote some of it but Don took it to his stake meetings this morning. It also quoted another preacher in town in favor of the prop so that was good too. Then it said that the opposition raised a whopping $1,338 here in Flag for their side. hmmm. Most of that came from a fund raiser.
Now for a funny ending. After Don left for his meetings this morning he called and asked me to check if he really closed the garage door. It's so natural to do it that he doesn't remember doing it sometimes. And he also teased I make sure the front door was locked just in case someone put something on the porch. I teased back that I would put on my asbestos suit. And he said "Well, it's Sunday so we should always wear our "as-BEST-os" clothes. Hahahaha. He's so punny!


Jen-ben said...

I'm so glad in was a good article! And that was punny... :)

Meredith said...

Wow, you all raised a ton of moolah! Way to go! I'm glad the article turned out OK.

Jana said...

I'm glad the paper did a good job, even with its crazy publisher.
That's one of dad's worst puns's dad-o-riffic.

Ruth said...

So, Karen, your life must be so full taking care of those cats and your punny husband...No Blog stories?