Sunday, February 8, 2009

A Foxy Time!

I was chatting with my visiting teacher on Friday morning when she looked out

our big window. She was concentrating on her contacts and how her visions was

when suddenly she realized there was a fox laying out in Grampa's Playground!

He was just chillin' out there in the sunniest spot! I hurried over to the back door and

let the kitties come back into the house; they had been pressing their noses at the

back door waiting so they hadn't seen Mr. Fox. Or he them - thank goodness.

Snoozing Fox just Chillin'. He's smiling. Thinking of eating my cats.

But he was too lazy.

I took a couple of pictures through the window then sneaked out the door trying to be invisible. But it didn't work. When he saw me he stood up and then hopped up onto the fence and beyond. But aren't these pics cool? I'm so glad I could at least cut these out of the middle of my too far away pictures. My zoom isn't very zoomy. He looks kind of majestic, don't y0u think?

Good bye Foxy Loxy!
(sorry about the weird layout. I don't know why the first part was underlined and couldn't find a spot to undo it. . ugh.)


Christine said...

That's so cool!

Annette Larsen said...

What a foxy lady. How fun that he decided to vacation in your back yard.

Jana said...

Ha ha, I'm glad he didn't eat the cats. That's funny that there was a fox in your yard! You live in such a wilderness.

Bryce & Cherise said...

How FUNNY! Wow! That's so cool! :)